Monday, June 23, 2008

Bananas, that is it I think.

I am rather nervous for my first post, which is this one. For some odd reason, I came up with this idea that it had to be great, catchy, and all that Jazz, but hey I don't have to impress you people because you already like me--in your face! Anyway, I am still here in the TCMA (Twin Cities Metro Area, for all of you losers who don't know acronyms), but in 6 days I will be leaving to go back to the Mother Land, ML, i.e. Africa. Its not really MY motherland, as i am not black, but PSH! all of humanity came out of there so whatevs.

So, before I begin to ramble even more, I will tell you a bit about my trip. I don't have the itinerary in front of me, so i will tell you what I remember, and give you more specifics at a later date, yay!

On Sunday, June 29th I leave at 8 in the AM. I will be heading to Kennedy airport in NYC, then hop onto another plane heading straight to Cape Town, South Africa--there will be a short detour to Dakar, Senegal, but I don't think we get to get off :(. I will not be back to The States until August 11th. We will be leaving from Johannesburg, SA and heading, once again, to Dakar and then to Georgia, where i will hop onto another plane and come back home to Minne.

We will be living in CT (Cape Town)--that's funny CT= Cape Town and TC= Twin Cities, coincidence? weird...--for the first four weeks of our stay and then going up north to Jo-burg and Kruger National Park (google it!). While in Cape Town, we will be living in an house and doing various community activities. Our main one is to help out at a museum. On the other hand, we are expected to do our own independent research on our free time, Lame! Then Jo-burg should be mostly play.

Dood, my first blog. Woah, its done. Pictures and things are in the making, check back later.

OOh wait, you must be wondering about my use of the first person plural. I am traveling with a group of people I know well. Most people go Study Abroad without knowing whom their going with, but not I (said the sheep). As you all may or may not know, I am a part of the GIHC, which is a national program in four campuses that prepares minority students to go to Graduate School in hopes that they can show us off to receive grants. They have already made 500,000.00 off of us... During the school year we take honors courses on research and last summer we had an intensive six week research program, but this year: South Africa. Anyway, its 14 students, that is who the "we" and "us" refers to.

bananas, that is it i think.

1 comment:

i miss chewy said...

Hey Chewy I LOVE you bro i hope you have a great time and come back home safe and sound. You havent even left yet and i already miss you.